Asim Ansari

Founder & CEO

Let Me Help To Gain Knowledge In Certain Technologies

This website is an educational website, here you’ll learn Networking (CCNA, CCNP), Sever (MCSA, Linux), Web designing (HTML, JS, CSS), Android, etc.


I have created a full CCNA course for free, access the list by clicking the button given below. Read, learn, implement, this course has everything related to CCNA. Share with your friends.


I have created a full MCSA course for free, access the list by clicking the button given below. Read, learn, implement, this course has everything related to MCSA. Share with your friends.


I have created a full Android course for free, access the list by clicking the button given below. Read, learn, implement, this course has everything related to Android. Share with your friends.

What I Do

Basically, networking is my core, I am certified in CCNA, CCNP. Apart from networking, I have gain knowledge multiple technologies such as Office Automation, Android and Digital Marketing, etc.


I have created a full CCNA course for free, access the list by clicking the button given below. Read, learn, implement, this course has everything related to CCNA. Share with your friends.


I have created a full MCSA course for free, access the list by clicking the button given below. Read, learn, implement, this course has everything related to MCSA. Share with your friends.


I have created a full Android course for free, access the list by clicking the button given below. Read, learn, implement, this course has everything related to Android. Share with your friends.

Here you'll find

The Courses Proved By Us


If you’re beginner, start with hardware then move to Networking (CCNA)


This CCNA 200-301 course cover everything in CCNA Routing & Switching.


There are three models, MCSA 740, MCSA 741, MCSA 742. This cover Theory & LAB both.


This course cover 2 paper of the Red Hat Linux. RH124 & RH134 Respectively.


Learn Android from basic to Advanced. Create Basic, Static & Dynamic Android Apps.

coming, soon, coming soon-3605857.jpg

Coming Soon

Here you’ll find other courses. We will add other study materials as soon as possible.

The CCNA LAB Configuration eBooks is divided into four parts. Class A LAB Configuration, Class B LAB Configuration, Class C LAB Configuration, and Master in Networking. Also, one theory book “The CCNA Routing & Switching All In One Study Guide” that contain theory plus lab configuration. You can buy the books seprately at $72 or pay just $28

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Today, I will share my advanced course details with you. I have created an advanced course where I design and configure 2 routers, 3 routers, 4 routers, 5 routers, 7 routers, loopback. There is a total of 70 videos. You will learn many things in this course. If you are willing to learn and want to implement things as soon as possible, this course is for you.

You will get the certification too.

Play Video

kids ebook

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis.

Feature List One

This book contains alphabets and objects starting with each alphabet. It is ideal for the kids of age group 1-10 years. It is designed for the early learning, growth, and development of a child.

Feature List Two

Early reading creates better communication and language skills. It promotes logical thinking and improves concentration.

Feature List Three

This book makes a child familiar with new concepts and motivates them to learn and apply these concepts in day-to-day life.

My Best selling Course

The course is about CCNA Basic To Advanced LAB Configuration where you will learn how to configure routers and routing protocols, 2 routers, 3 routers, 5 routers, 7 routers, loopback routers, and redistribution of RIP and EIGRP configuration. There more than 45 lab configuration with VLSM and verifications.

My Best Selling eBook

Master in Networking eBook is all about CCNA LAB Configuration covering every lab with subnetting. Step by step guide available for better understanding. You’ll get to know how to configure routers, routing protocols, switch, Wifi, security servers, NAT, ACL, etc.

Learn from the very best

Join our course and start building the most wanted career available today. We make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s hi-tech industry.

Working hours

Monday - Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
(Phone until 17:30 Hrs)
Sunday - OFF

We are here

Byculla, Mumbai- Maharashtra
Whatsapp:+91 8082765621
Call:+91 8080111315