A processor is the logical circuit that performs logical and arithmetical operations on the data as specified in the instructions. Most processors today are multi-core, which means that the IC contains two or more processor for enhanced performance, reduced power consumptions and more efficient simultaneous processing of multiple tasks.
Basic Processor Units
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): ALU perform mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additionally, the ALU processes basic logical operations like AND/OR, etc.
Floating Point Unit (FPU): FPU also known as a math coprocessor or numeric coprocessor, a specialize coprocessor that manipulates numbers more quickly than the basic microprocessor circuitry.
Registers: Registers which hold instruction and other data. Registers supply operands to the ALU and store the results of operations.
L1 and L2 cache memory: Their inclusion in the CPU saves time compared to having to get the data from RAM or main memory.
Processor socket and type: processor are designed to fit into a certain type of socket on the motherboard. Every socket has a name, indicating whether its for an AMD ( Advanced Micro Devices ) or Intel CPU.
Rates and Data Transfer: What characterized a computer processor is its speed or rate – how fast it can execute instructions. Speed is measured in gigahertz ( GHz), or billions of cycles a second. Some of the latest CPU rates are 2.0 GHz, 2.40 GHz, 3.20 GHz.
Cache: A processor cache is similar to the memory of a computer. A processor cache is small amount of very fast memory that is used for temporary storage. This allows a computer to retrieve the files that are in the processors cache very quickly. The larger a processor cache, the more files it will be able to store for that quick retrieval.
Integrated Graphic Processing Units (GPU): Many of todays processors have integrated graphics processing units, which are designed to perform the calculations relate to graphics. If ta processor does not have an integrated GPU, the computer still display graphics if a separated graphic card is present or if the motherboard offers onboard video.
Core: When processors were running on a single core, that one core was responsible for handling all the data sent to the processor. As more cores are integrated into a processor, those cores are able to split up the processors task. This makes the processor faster and more efficient. However, it is important to remember that a processor can only perform as well as he existing software running it. If the software is only able to utilized three of the eight cores, then five cores are going to be unused.
Dual Core: An integrated circuit IC contains two complete computer processors. Usually, the two identical processors are manufactured so they reside side-by-side on the same die, each with its own path to the system from-side-bus.
Multi-core: It is somewhat of an expansion to dual-core technology and allows for more than two separate processors.
Dual-processor: Dual processor system are those that contain two separate physical computer processors in the same chassis.
32 bit and 64 bit processors
The two main types of processors are 32-bit and 664-bit. The type of processors a
computer has not only affects its overall performance, but it can also dictate what
type of software it uses.
A computer with a 32- bit processor cannot have a 64-bit version of an operating system installed. It can only have a 32-bit version of an operating system installed.
A computer with a 65-bit processor can have a 64-bit version or 32-bit version of an operating system installed. However with a 32 bit operating system, the 64-bit
processor would not run at its full capability.
The 2 major difference between 32 bit and 64 bit processor are.
The number of calculation per second they perform which affects the speed at which they complete the task. 64-bit processor comparatively perform more number of task per second when compared with 32-bit processor.
The maximum number of RAM that is supported; 32-bit computers support a maximum of 3-4 GB of memory, whereas a 64-bit computer can support memory over 4 GB.