Fiverr is just like a Facebook marketplace where you can buy or sell something, but Fiverr is a marketplace where you
can buy and sell services.
For example, buyers look for services like SEO or others. Meanwhile, sellers are the people offering those services.
They actually creating Gigs that buyers have to pay for.

To answer this question I must say you have extreme knowledge in your field.
For example: If you are an expert in SEO, you can find a buyer who needs to do SEO on his/her website. Ask them their requirements
and you have to do your work done. After completing the work buyer will pay you the amount fixed in the deal.
Another example: If you are an expert in logo design, Illustrator, or Photoshop, you can find those who required graphic designers.
Just find those people on Fiverr and complete the required task. They will pay you after the work done.

It doesn’t matter what sells best on Fiverr, what matters is your expertise. You have two options, choose the field in which you are
master or second, learn new skills and earn from Fiverr.
To answer the question, there are the following things which are in demand
1) Video Marketing
2) Website building
3) SEO
4) Graphic Design
5) 2D and 3D models.

The best way to earn (if you don’t have any skill) is copywriting work, data entry work. In both ways, you have to just write something whatever asked. They will show you the exact way to complete your task.

It totally depends on gigs. You can earn $2000 or $5000 or even you can earn $20000 per month.