Nano Server Deployment | How To Deploy Nano Server

Installing Nano Server Deployment through PowerShell

  1. On, open a Windows Explorer and double click on C: drive.
  2. In C: Drive, create a folder named Nano.
  3. Copy all the files with a .ps* extension from the Windows Server 2016 DVD media i.e. E:\NanoServer\NanoServerImageGenerator folder to C:\Nano.
  4. Open an elevated Windows PowerShell window.
  5. Run Import-Module c:\nano\NanoServerImagegenerator.psm1 . This command import the required Windows PowerShell module for Nano Server.
  6. Run new-NanoServerImage-Edition Standard –mediapath E:\ -Basepath C:\nano –targetpath C:\nano\nano-eiheducaion.vhdx –DeploymentType Guest –computername nano-01 –storage –packages . Type the password Pa$$wOrd when prompted. This command creates a VHDX file for your Nano Server with the following options:

Mediapath: Identifies the source of the installation files.

Basepath: Indicates where to create the VHDX file and supplemental files.

Targetpath: Identifies the name and location of the VHDX file.

Computername: Identifies the name of this instance of Nano Server.

Packages: Enable the additional installation of other roles – in this case, the IIS role.

DeployementType: Configure the VHDX for use as a guest.

  • In C:\Nano, you can see the files that were created, including the nano-eiheducation.chdx file. Ordinarily, you now copy this file to a hyper –V host, and then create a Virtual Machine to use this virtual hard drive.

Upload the Nano Server VHDX file to Windows Server 2016 Hyper – v

After the nano server image Builder utility finishes creating the Nano server image, we simply need to copy the VHDX file over to the Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V host where we want to run the Nano Server VM. Then, we create a new VM and simply attach the VM to the Nano server VHDX file that we copied to the server.

Once we have created the VM, attached the Nano VHDX file, we can simply power up the Nano Server VM and we are up and running.

Nano Server Deployment | How To Deploy Nano Server

This is how we can install Nano Server Deployment.

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